Hudax̂siingin aĝikus! [Let’s make dry fish!]: Sharing Subsistence Processes in Unangam Tunuu

This digital storytelling project is the culmination of a collaboration between Haliehana Stepetin (Unangax̂, PhD Candidate), Moses Dirks (Unangax̂, Unangam Tunuu language expert) and the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (a non-profit serving Unangax̂ communities). We created a digital story called “Hudaxsil: To Make Dry Fish” to engage Unangax̂ communities and document and continue qaqamiiĝux̂ [subsistence] processes and recipes in Unangam Tunuu [Unangax̂ language]. This project provides a learning opportunity for community members interested in Unangax̂ subsistence processes in Unangam Tunuu through an online medium, seeking to both document and share Unangax̂ cultural processes and our language in an accessible manner.